Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Communication Nursing and Midwifery

Question: Discuss abou theCommunicationfor Nursing and Midwifery. Answer: Introduction The communication is vital in any organization to ensure that everything is running smoothly in various situations. The management of the organization should ensure that they create a good communication network. It is essential to ensure that the people working in the corporation can air their grievances or communicate any arising matters. The workplace of any corporation should be conducive to enable the individuals perform their assigned duties. It is important for the managers to ensure that they create a good working environment that allows all the personnel to undertake their tasks. Moreover, there should be a good flow of communication in the hospitals or any medical care institution. It helps the doctors to communicate any issues arising on the condition of the sick patients. On the other hand, the supervisors of the nurses in the hospitals should deliver the right information they receive from the superiors. Most of the individuals distort the information they receive from the management. It makes the working condition difficult as most of the information is wrong and they do it for their personal benefit. The management should derive a clear mode of communication that ensures employees get the first hand information. They should use alternative methods such as emails or memos. The posters should be posted on the notice board for everyone to see the detailed information. It will reduce the cases of the misleading information that the supervisors or any other individual may tend to deliver to the employees. In addition to that, the managers should conduct meetings that will enable them talk face to face with the employees. It shows that the managers value the workers and the interaction makes them feel free to air their grievances. The employees should be given the chance to table what they have in mind. They should also given the opportunity to contribute to the various developments and strategies outlined by the company (Sully Dallas, 2010). However, the organizations need communication in their day to day operations to ensure that they make good profits. The customers should also get the right information regarding various products and services. The organization should ensure that the clients get the right details to help compete with the competitors. There is competition in the market by various corporations as they try to sell the commodities to the public. Each marketing manager tries all the ways possible to get clients that will buy the products and services. The good communication ensures that the corporations get customers. It is highly important so as to spread the vital details to the public regarding various products and services. The medical institutions should also market their services to the public. It helps them attract more individuals seeking medical attention. Moreover, the nurses at the hospital should treat the patients with dignity. They should not be rough or talk inappropriately to the sick as the y treat them (Bach Grant, 2015). The good flow of communication at the medical care centres also ensures that the patients receive the right medication. There are some circumstances whereby the physicians prescribe the wrong medication to the sick. It endangers the life of the patient and can result to death if not detected early. Therefore, the doctors should have the proper communication to avoid any complications in the prescription of the drugs. The nursing institutions should play a major role in ensuring that there is good flow of communication. It is vital in various day to day operations of the corporation. The physicians should also communicate with their colleagues and also help each other in handling the patients. They should not neglect any individual regardless of the age or state of sickness. They should offer the services required by the sick and also give them the care they need. It is unethical for the physicians to mistreat the patients or prescribe the wrong drugs. It is therefore important to ens ure in an institution there is communication so as to facilitate the day to day operations. It also helps overcome various challenges that may lead to the collapse of the business. It is advisable for the managers to improve the working conditions of the employees by providing a proper flow of communication (Webb, 2011). References Sully, P., Dallas, J. (2010).Essential communication skills for nursing and midwifery. Edinburgh: Mosby/Elsevier. Bach, S., Grant, A. (2015).Communication and interpersonal skills in nursing. Harlow: Prentice Hall Baughan, J., Smith, A., Baughan, J. (2013).Compassion, caring and communication: Skills for nursing practice. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Webb, L. (2011).Nursing: Communication skills in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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